

All this, in addition to a great number of filters, makes viewing of intercepted information very comfortable. It is also possible to see Top 10 of Chat/IM Activity, Online Search, Web Sites Visited, Email Activity, Program Activity and Keywords Detected. Information in Spector Pro menu is grouped into 11 categories: Screen Snapshots, Chat/IM Activity, Online Searches, Web Sites Visited, Email Activity, Files Transferred, Keystrokes Typed, Program Activity, User Activity, Document Tracking and Keywords Detection, each of which views the corresponding information. After the product is installed we are asked whether we want to remove Spector Pro installation file or not, we choose "Yes" and allow the program to restart PC on the next screen.



The process of installation is similar to the one we followed in eBlaster: we agree to inform the user that he is being monitored, read and accept EULA, put in product serial number and e-mail address for registration, choose the type of installation ("Standard" or "Viewer Only"), choose hotkey combination, password and the type of installation ("Visible" or "Stealth").


Today we are reviewing another non-shareware monitoring product on our website - Spector Pro.

  • A bulk of steps to follow during the pre-installation.
  • Pleasant to look at, user friendly interface.
  • Grouping of the intercepted information into categories.
  • New version of Spector Pro supports Windows 8! Advantages: In our testing, it gets 639 out of possible 1172 points.


    Doesn't require its user to have any specific knowledge of keyloggers. Very functional, stealthy and easy to use. Designed for home and employee monitoring. A well-known keylogger by SpectorSoft Corporation.
