
Telepathic perception definition
Telepathic perception definition

telepathic perception definition

The knowledge of victory or disaster in war that so inexplicably occurred among ancient Greeks may have been telepathically acquired. Monitions of approach appear to be telepathic messages. Prayer could be telepathic communion with higher beings, and the basis of sympathy and antipathy may be telepathy. Myers argued that telepathy as a faculty must certainly exist in the universe if the universe contains any disembodied intelligences at all. Frank Pod-more -a hardened skeptic -in his The Newer Spiritualism (1910) suggests that: "Whilst the attempt to correlate the two kinds of phenomena is perhaps legitimate, we can hardly be justified in making the spontaneous phenomena the basis of a theory of telepathy." The need for differentiation was acknowledged by the old school of telepathists, too, when they spoke of spontaneous telepathy as distinct from experimental telepathy. Telepathy is a well-developed mode of supernormal perception and is usually brought into play by the influence of very strong emotions." Thought-transference is a rudimentary faculty. Telepathy cannot be made a subject of experiments, while thought-transference can. "In telepathy the transmitter is often unaware that he acts as an agent and the receiver does not consciously prepare himself for the reception. This misconception spread so widely that many people considered telepathy to be distinct from thought transference, advancing the following argument: The public concept of telepathy became a rival of the spirit hypothesis. Though the researchers never implied such a connotation, the public assumed that telepathy was an agency of communication between mind and mind, that it was a mysterious link between conscious and subconscious minds, and that it could be used to select intelligence by which incidents from the memories of persons present and familiar or distant and unknown. It was applied to the researchers' concept of "a coincidence between two persons' thoughts which requires a causal explanation," and it was defined as "transmission of thought independently of the recognized channels of sense." Barrett into the possibilities of thought-transference. Myers in 1882, as a result of his joint investigation with Edmund Gurney, Henry Sidgwick, and William F. Term coined by British psychical researcher F.

Telepathic perception definition